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Under Construction Cima Grand Tower Complex - New Pristina Prishtinë
Under construction Eliza Complex Fushë Kosovë
Under construction Cima 2 Complex Prishtinë
Under construction Cima Residence Complex Prishtinë
Soon Tophane Complex Prishtinë
Under construction Cima Tower Complex Ferizaj
Under construction Panorama Complex Ferizaj
Under construction Dardania Complex Prizren
Under construction Ulpiana Center Complex Lipjan
Under Construction Eliza Park Complex Suharekë
Under Construction Kodra Complex Suharekë
Në Ndërtim Kompleksi Eliza Park A Suharekë

Projekte të përfunduara


Projekte në ndërtim


Numri i punëtorëve aktiv


Numri i bashkëpunëtorëve

What do we aim for?

The Cima Construction Company aspires to be a future design and construction leader, based on sincerity in work, quality in construction, and the development of highly advantageous circumstances for clients.

Our work is motivated by the comfort and safety of our clients' real estate investments. We plan to develop our activities in the building sector not only in Kosovo, but also internationally.

What responsibilities do we accept?

Cima Construction aspires to develop objects in Kosovo and abroad with multifunctional facilities and in compliance with our clients' current construction needs, therefore contributing to the increase of added value and the wealth of society.

Our driving and guiding principle in our investment and development activities will be to actively work toward increasing the added value of investments within the company and abroad through good management policies that ensure the company's stability and strong investments for its own and the public's interests.

Why choose Cima Construction?

Characteristics in our projects.

Hapësira Gjelbëruese
Kënde të lojërave
Furnizim me Ujë 24/7
Kamera Sigurie 24/7
Sisteme kundër Zjarrit
Dritare PVC, Salamander
Dysheme parket, pllaka qeramkie
Smart Home
Sistem Geberit
Referencat e klientëve tonë

Cima Construction is a serious company that responds to the demands of the clients by giving them the possibility of selection and changes in the time frames foreseen according to the dynamics of the construction. We as a family are satisfied with the construction of the residential building, both in terms of quality and cooperation.

Being a customer of Cima Construction is an honor and pleasure, warm welcome and professional services. You are truly an example.

Regarding my apartment and the external environment of the complex, I am very pleased that I chose to buy an apartment from Cima Construction, in terms of the quality of the construction, since I have not had the slightest problem while living here.

I am extremely satisfied with the quality of the construction and the correctness as well as the care in the facilities. As a resident of the "Eliza" neighborhood, the green space and the park are all we have always needed. I wish you the best of luck and you are truly an example for other companies.

For each of us, comfort and tranquility are of great importance. We have found comfort in this complex. If you have decided to make the right choice, consider Cima Construction and their housing offers.




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